At just eight years old, Norman “Face” Smith Jr. knew exactly what he wanted to be once he grew up; a man of power, wealth and respect. Being raised by his beautiful, overprotective mother Pamela, Face had set his eyes on all the finer things in life; Beautiful women, expensive cars and enough money to buy him the world on a platinum platter. By the age of 18, Face and his childhood best friend Reese were two precocious, young street thugs in search of a better life. They were determined to do whatever it took to survive the mean streets of Philly…Then one day their luck changed.

 Black Scarface is a powerful, realistic tale of money, power, respect, loyalty, love and a young man’s journey to become a living legend, and one of the most notorious drug kingpins in U. S. history.

“This is prime, vintage storytelling. Black Scarface is a notorious, exhilarating, explosive gangster saga guaranteed to keep readers riveted from beginning to the end---a definite street banger.”

                        -Street Literature Review Magazine-